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Professional Performances

At Dance Blast Centre in Abergavenny, we host a variety of performances from professional artists nationally and internationally.

Beth sy'n digwydd
Dod cyn bo hir 2025....
Northern Rascals

Dydd Sul 16eg Mawrth - 5yp 

Mae SHED yn sioe newydd gan gwmni theatr ddawns Swydd Efrog, Northern Rascals, gan ddefnyddio celf weledol, gair llafar a pherfformiad i godi ymwybyddiaeth o'r materion bod pobl ifanc yn eu hwynebu gyda'u iechyd meddwl.


Wedi'i berfformio gan gast bach o bedwar dawnsiwr mewn strwythur pop-up, mae SHED yn gwahodd ei gynulleidfa i sefyll ar y tu allan ac edrych i mewn.


Cyfle i weld profiadau bywyd go iawn yn cael eu hadrodd mewn cyfres o olygfeydd, mae'r gynulleidfa'n cael cipolwg ar y straeon sy'n ein gwneud - portread o gariad a cholled a'r ddynoliaeth hanfodol sy'n byw ynom ni i gyd.


​Mae'r cwmni y tu ôl i'r cyfan, Northern Rascals, yn defnyddio cyfuniad unigryw o theatr a dawns gyfoes i grefftio'r haniaethol a'r hurt; arwain cynulleidfaoedd at naratifau sydd wedi'u gwreiddio yn yr hinsawdd gymdeithasol-wleidyddol bresennol. Arweinir Northern Rascals gan Anna Holmes a Sam Ford, sydd wedi creu cwmni perfformio ysbrydoledig a gydnabyddir yn genedlaethol.


Canllaw oedran: 14 oed +


Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol: @northernrascals

Lead Image_NorthernRascals_SHED_ProductionImage_Credit_EllyWelford_2022_1.jpg
An Autopsy of a Mother, a Bear and a Fridge
By mover, maker and mother Deborah Light

Sunday 18th May - 5pm



You are warmly invited to witness the examination of three seemingly unconnected objects. 


As Deborah examines the connective tissues between the mother, bear and fridge she exposes her anger, vulnerability, humour and strength in this powerful and intimate dance work. With cold clinical brutality, warm openness, and hot feminist rage she reveals both personal experiences and patriarchal systems that place pressure on the female body.


The work is accessible for d/Deaf audiences with integrated captions and an audio visualizer. 


Funded by Arts Council Wales

Supported by Chapter, NDCWales, YMa and Taking Flight


Age guidance: 16yrs+

'Rage hides a wound’ 
                                      - Sharon Blackie
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Tickets will be on sale in the New Year

Past Performances

Other past performances have included:

Billy Maxwell Taylor
'Rain Pours Like Coffee Drops'

The Little Prince: An enchanting dance show for children & adults

Circus Katoen 

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